New Study Suggests ‘Hothouse Earth’ Could Be Inevitable !!!
Many nations and organizations around the world have emphasized lowering greenhouse gas emissions with the aim of keeping the global temperature from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Past studies have pegged this as a critical tipping point for Earth’s long-term climate, but that may be harder to achieve than we thought. A new analysis suggests that even limiting emissions won’t be able to stop the planet from warming considerably more than the 2-degree cutoff. Researchers at the Stockholm Resilience Centre note that Earth’s own feedback mechanisms could mean we’ve already crossed the point of no return. At present, the climate has warmed more than a degree above pre-industrial levels, and it’s going up about 0.17 degrees C every decade. Carbon sinks that currently limit the damage of greenhouse gasses could tip the other way and become sources of carbon past 2 degrees of warming. The feedbacks...