Climate Change Thread

So I have seen a lot of discussion on Climate Change articles so I thought some of you might want to have a proper debate here.


  1. Reference sources
  2. Reference sources
  3. Reference Sources
If it is not clear yet: REFERENCE SOURCES! I have seen a lot of shit being thrown around in previous article comments. I have seen people use the entire IPCC report as support for their claim...please don't do this, quote exactly what is said in the report so it is easily verifiable.

OPENING STATEMENTCo2_vos-ml2_medium

CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing abnormally since the industrial age. Certainly not a natural cycle.Co2_simple2_medium
Here you can see more clearly that CO2 levels started to increase during the industrial age. Humans clearly have an effect on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
And what a striking similarity between the graph above (CO2 levels) and the graph below (CO2 emissions). Even more evidence that shows that humans have an effect on the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
So it is safe to say that humans have an effect on CO2 in the atmosphere, which is a green house gas.
Now, what about temperature? This is how it works: CO2 causes an energy inbalance of earth (greenhouse effect) —> The Earth gains more heat —> The heat causes an increase in temperature. Therefore: Increase of CO2 —> Increase in heat —> Increase in temperature. So lets see…
What a striking similarity between the graph above (CO2 levels) and the graph below (heat content).
There has obviously been an increase in heat. How does this increase in heat affect temperatures?
Seems like an upwards trend to me. However, I can already see sceptics cherry picking the last 30 years to draw a trend and then say temperature has been going down! ...lets do that:
Even if you pick the last 30 years, temperature has been increasing.
I have seen sceptics saying that temperature increase is due to a cycle. To which I say two things:
  1. Show evidence supporting this claim. I have personally not found any evidence supporting this claim in the WUWT reference pages.
  2. Do you really think that the fact that CO2 emissions have been increasing, CO2 levels have been increasing, heat content has been increasing, temperature have been increasing, ALL of this must be a coincidence?
So that is my opening statement. I have made it evidence heavy on purpose so people have some facts to start the discussion.]


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